Sunday, October 25, 2020

Why I'm Voting for Donald Trump

I don’t believe he is an authoritarian. I don’t believe he is a threat to democracy. Abuse of power by using Russia and the Ukraine? No. Criminal activity and use of the Presidency to enrich himself? He’s gotten the courts to suppress the records. Using trump tower or trump hotel to receive bribes? No, just good business.  I’m unconcerned that he hasn’t decoupled these conflicts of interest from being President. Encouraging voter fraud or using the USPS to tilt the election? Fake news. Discrediting free press? No. News organizations are awful and the enemy of America.

In short, I’ve gotten past that he is a traitor or a criminal acting in treasonous ways or in violation of his oath of office. These indeed would be disqualifying and this I could not support. So let’s move on.

$6 Trillion in added debt since taking office is not a problem. Unemployment is at 8% up from 3%. Better than the 12% from a few months ago. Record drop in GDP? No worries. My average tax rate is up 40%. Tariffs, centralized international commerce deals, farm subsidies, government intervention on the private sector (TikTok) — sounds like central planning and socialism but okay. Reneging on agreements between AMZN and USPS (and tilting JEDI away from AMZN towards MSFT)? Fine. That Bezos “owns” WAPO and is CEO of AMZN is of no consequence. I’m okay with all of this.

The cities burn. The national forests are on fire. The opioid epidemic hasn’t subsided. A virus can’t be contained. 200,000 people are dead. Restaurants and stores are closed. No fans at sporting events or audiences at concerts. Schools remain mostly closed. We’re still locked down inside and can’t visit loved ones. Better leadership at the top can’t help. It’s not his fault. He tells us he’s doing a great job on the China Virus. I believe him.

No progress on healthcare reform. Denial of global warming. Changes at the CDC, FDA, State department, and FBI improve America — not destroy important institutions. Of all the losers (his assessment) he’s appointed, the appointments are not his fault. His attacks on Muslims, Mexicans, Blacks? All fake news. The detention camps at the border? Fine. “Law and order” means sending in the Fed (ICE, the military) to quell unrest — over the objections of local government. Embracing/befriending dictators (Putin, Duterte, Erdoğan, Kim) is a good thing. “Being tough” on allies  is also good. His views on NATO, withdrawing from TPP and the Paris Agreement, reneging on the JPOA — I’m fine with all of this.

The lying, the cheating, grabbing women by the pussy, accusations of being a sexual predator  — I don’t have a problem with any of this.

The collective body of racist comments? I’ve nit picked at each one, word for word. I’ve done rhetorical gymnastics to rationalize that his words and he himself are not racist.

He and Fox News have told me that things will be far worse under Biden. I believe them but have thought through this for myself. The economy is going great.  I believe my life is much better since trump became President.

This is why I’m voting for trump.